Saturday, January 16, 2016


You're ganglier than you used to be, you whose clumsy feet tromp up my wooden steps. You fumble at the door and come in with a shy grin.

Two years ago is not so long, Boy. I still know your heart, and you know mine. I know the way you joke and the way to help you clamber over the walls in your head, I know that chocolate is a sure way to help you understand algebra, I know the sound of your voice humming off-key and your foot tapping off-beat as your pencil moves to the music coming from my laptop.

And so you sat and hummed and tapped as you nibbled on peppermint bark and found the equations of lines, and in the middle of all the quiet goodness you looked up and grinned.

"This is fun!"

I don't think you realize you said it.

My heart broods over you, Child, you who grow so awkwardly towards being a man.

God go with you--go with you down the steps, go with you next week and next year. Go with you into your full height and your old age.

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