Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In Honor of Nothing

I truly have nothing to say tonight. It seems that there are so many profound and mundane and in-between things in the world that one should always have something to say. But tonight the well is dry.

So much has been said already, after all. Who am I to clutter the world with a meaningless blog post like this one when some people really do have things to say? Let them speak. Let them ink their words onto the blogosphere.

But I, being puny and human and alone in a small apartment at 9:45 pm, still feel the urge to make my voice heard. The keys click and clack under my fingertips, and I suddenly feel neither puny nor human--well, yes, I guess I still feel human--nor alone any longer. For I, Deborah Anne, have voiced my Nothing into the great expanse.

This one's for you.

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