Thursday, March 16, 2017

<< Interruption in Scheduled Content >>

Jori, there is no one like you.

How is it that with comps and Praxis and student teaching and life and job hunting and blizzarding, you still carve out time for remembrance poppy suncatchers? For so many beautiful symbols to light up my window?

I can take some lessons in loving from you, my friend.

I needed to interrupt my Massive Blog Photo Dump to say thank you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

And So We Were One

With glorious sunshine, bucketfuls of wildflowers, and so much love, Rundy and I were wed. Never before have I felt such tangible blessing from so many people. If you are reading this and you were one of the very, very many who helped clean, arrange bouquets, set up, organize, cook delicious food, create music, or celebrate heartily what God has done, thank you. I look back on that day, and it was not a whirlwind. I remember faces and people and conversations and laughter. I think it will always be one of my favorite memories even when I've got more wrinkles than I can count.



(Rundy crafted our rings himself with hammer and flame over many days' time.)