Saturday, April 18, 2015

God's Country

It was one of those days when your soul seems to outstrip your body, and the only way to keep from tearing apart is for your body to walk miles and miles just to keep up.

I left my to-do list at home and set off.

Everywhere vestiges of winter were being beaten back by newborn spring.

I went to the state forest about 20 minutes away from my apartment for this hike. I haven't been back there since two summers ago, when I stumbled my way to this very field hidden away in the middle of the woods. It was covered with blueberry bushes then, and I ate my fill of berries for lunch. It looks a bit different now, but I found my way back easily enough. I think this field is one God's favorite places to meet with His own. I found Him there two years ago; I found Him there again today. Much has changed between then and now, but He has not. 

I stared at the clouds for a while, and brought some back to share so you could enjoy them with me.

There was no one there but me, and I had acres and acres all to myself. So many secret places, so much space to be.

I--being me--brought some books along. I didn't even think about how very fitting this one was until I pulled it out.

Days like this are necessary if one is to breathe deep and live well. And so I welcome spring. I welcome life, I welcome newness, I welcome the hope of resurrection. 


  1. Ah, the beautiful outdoors!... reminds me so much of back when I used to ramble along in the woods and fields... stare up at clouds that looked just like your pictures... notice a bright leaf in the water... sunlight on a tree trunk... leaves held up to the sky. I miss that, noticing every little detail. (Look at those clouds in your photos! Such infinitesimal frays to the cotton-ball puffs) I think I miss out by only taking walks on the same old paved roads nowadays.

    I'm glad you forgot your to-do list and got outside. :) If I could, I'd banish that to-do list for you so that you could have more of walks like these.

    "It was one of those days when your soul seems to outstrip your body, and the only way to keep from tearing apart is for your body to walk miles and miles just to keep up." Well-said, as always!... I feel like I know what you mean. I think Owen would, too; I bet he loves trundles for the same reason.

    (It does make me sad, though, to hear those words: "...the only way to keep from tearing apart...")

    Thanks for sharing the photos. Soon spring will assert itself much more boldly than a ray of light on a tree trunk, or a glance on a dead leaf. The greenness is coming. Isn't it amazing that it comes? It seems like it has been endless winter, and even endless spring-in-the-process-of-coming, but it's hard to believe that we'll ever get to that truly alive state.

    Here's hoping that there's many more moments of beauty, and the hopeful reminders of spring, in whatever way God chooses to bring it, in your days ahead.

  2. Yes, I think the greenness is a miracle every time. I'm glad I forgot my to-do list, too. Getting away is not only cathartic, but also downright necessary sometimes. Thanks for the words, Cadie, and (if I'm not mistaken) I will be seeing you this weekend... :)

  3. I"m glad for that meadow and those books and those words. I'm glad for the comfort and the room to breathe. I'm glad, even, for the sunburn that was sure to follow. :)

    1. I was glad of them, too. [And if I didn't know better, I'd think you were spying on me. You're spot on. I looked like a lobster for 3 days... :)]

  4. Oh, yes. Spying, my precioussss....

    1. Oh, sheesh. Now I've got Gollum on here, too.

  5. You just wait. You have no idea how many dubious characters followed me here!
