Saturday, January 16, 2016

January Day

It had been months since I had seen either of them. So unlike each other, so unlike me.

I could share more--the color of their hair, the clothes they wore, how they've changed since college, what they do every day. It would all be interesting, actually.

But really, what it comes down to in the end is that we could talk about God.

It is a mystery how unlike can navigate unlike until they find the center. And there at the heart, God gives them a common tongue to talk of truth and of hardness and of hope. No, the threads that make us up are not wound the same way; they are not the same hues or textures or types. But in seeking God we find kinship.

One golden moment is captured, a freeze frame in my memory. One girl on the floor, the other in the rocking chair, both singing an old Nazarene song from their growing up in different keys, furnace blazing hot air on their backs.

Two voices singing homespun praise as I listen, humming along to a tune I've never heard but somehow know the sound of.


  1. Who, who--who were they? (And do tell the color of their hair, the clothes they wore, how they've changed since college, what they do every day. I like all the details. ;-) )

    1. Oh, Cadie... :) I would be happy to oblige and reveal their identities, but I'm afraid one of them is a regular reader of my blog and might be too bashful to enjoy being described too thoroughly here. She's just lovely, though. They're both Houghton friends who came for a visit yesterday.

      Here are some clues: one of them has dark, dark hair and loves the color purple. The other has hair that is slowly but surely being dyed silvery-white and you can hear her voice on the radio...

    2. [That's just enough information to be tantalizing, isn't it...I'm afraid I might have made you more curious. Oops. :S ]

  2. Haha! I guess my comment was rather provoking, too, because I knew if you wanted to tell all the details, you would have done so. (I like descriptions of people, and I used to write descriptions inside my head of my classmates. :P) But your posts are so cryptic, I get the urge to poke you for more details! ;-)

    (Okay, that's not fair. This post was not cryptic. I understood it just fine. I just like long stories.)
