Sunday, May 3, 2015

Flotsam and Jetsam

The tide came in full today, 
full of moonbeams and seashells, 
and colored glass worn smooth
by sand and rowdy waves.
Why do I gather these so jealously, 
why do I line them up so tidily, 
why do I put them on display? 
A still pool in the moonlight
is all the mirror I need.
Why, then, do I hang this sea glass
in the window in hopes 
that I will better see myself?
Perhaps it is because the ocean within
breaks rougher than the ocean without,
and the small, methodical act
 of gathering, of hanging, of looking
brings a bit of calm.
Perhaps it is because the ocean 
gets lonely sometimes, 
and sea glass in windows
can be a conversation starter. 
Perhaps I should not need conversation,
and perhaps I should not gather 
seashells and moonlight, 
bits of glass and pieces of my own name.
Maybe You tire of glass hung in windows.
Yes, the tide is coming in,
but maybe I should stay away 
from the sea today.


  1. Beautiful and poignant as always. This is true poetry!

    1. You are kind in your critique. And thank you.

  2. This could be the poetic anthem for the desire to delete my blog that comes on strong several times a year. I am glad you share your colored bits, though.

    1. It made me smile to see how clearly you read this poem. I was not nearly as opaque as I thought. Either that or you're extremely intuitive. Thank you for welcoming me to keep sharing now and again.

  3. This is so beautifully worded, and it makes me ponder. I don't know if it's related to your thought here, but lately I have felt that I need to stop my constant flailing, framing everything into my own words--to cease, and learn silence and waiting, waiting upon Him who speaks and Him who gives instead of trying to contain things with my own paltry, grasping words.

    But I am glad, as well, that you do share.

    Also, "joy", just couldn't help but say that I love that banner picture... it's one of those pictures that says something, that makes me feel something.

    1. Ah, I like that. Just as you said it. I need to learn the same lesson.

    2. It makes me feel something, too. Wide open spaces...Annie, Susannah, and Huck, watch out for ticks!! :)

  4. Debbie, I feel like I've just discovered a goldmine! I finally clicked on the link you sent me, and have been lost in wandering thoughts and friendship heart throbs ever since.

    You are precious. I'm glad, too, that you venture to share your colored bits with me. They add so many pixels to the picture of my life.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you visited. :) You're pretty precious yourself. I'm grateful for you, friend.
