Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Abba, redeem!

Hard and silent underfoot,
stitched with shadows 
inexorable, immovable,
the earth groans
beneath its own weight.

There is much travail as we wait 
for our hearts of flesh, 
for tongues that know 
the words for 
father, daughter, son.

Abba, redeem! 

I hear the rocks cry out. 
The questions rise like sparks.
But hope that is seen is not hope 
and the presence of Light
is told by shadow.

In the thickest night
the blackest dark 
the darkest black
the Spirit groans. 

Abba, redeem!

Mercy, only mercy, consumes,
compassion does not fail,
and we know that it is good
to hope and quietly wait
for the salvation of the Lord.


  1. Deborah, this is beautiful. The whole thing.

    But hope that is seen is not hope
    and the presence of Light
    is told by shadow.
