Monday, January 5, 2015

Pieced Together

This is not a poem, 
nor does it pretend to be.
It just needed a shape 
other than
lines in neat, predictable rows,
more than letters
 following one another

I colored a mandala
(inside the lines, of course)
but the colors that came to hand
were unexpected
and didn't match. 
The coloring book came with 3-D glasses
which I placed on my nose
only to find
that the colors still didn't match
(even if the lines did contain them).

Today I also
read a book to children
--just boys, actually, a gaggle of them--
eager to give up their lunch and recess,
their stint of freedom,
so I could read them into Middle Earth. 
I suppose they didn't give up their freedom after all.
Not really.
Not at all.

In addition, 
I chatted conversed on the phone 
(such a smug word, chatted)
with a friend
and talked about heavy things
heavy in my mind
heavy on my tongue
heavier after being said.
They were not about death,
at least not the death you think,
but rather about fading
about blurring 
about truths and half-truths
at war with one another.
I do not know how
to help her see through the fog
(or help her believe that she's standing in it).

I taught some young writers 
how to use transition words.
Penultimately was not one of them.

I watched a ten-year old, 
long forgotten video 
full of Christmas trimming,
a dauntless paternal interrogator,
an exasperated maternal interrogatee, 
and a smattering of gawky teenagers
(myself among them).
We were not a family 
taken with home videos.
This one was unexpected,
it caught by surprise.
I am finding that there is
comfort as well as tears 
in the bottle even now
grasped in the hand of our Lord.


  1. The way I found the video was God putting it in front of my literal nose. Bittersweet.

    Love you.
