Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Before we left Naknek, we went on a family outing. Our first destination was the tundra, where each square inch seems like its own ecosystem.

One of the first things we spied was a bald eagle.

It flew off pretty quickly.

When we looked closer, though, we found all sorts of treasures, like these salmonberries.

Just starting out.

Wendy has become pretty knowledgeable about tundra life, and she pointed out all sorts of neat things.

While the rest of us were transfixed by salmonberries and the lichen preferred by caribou, Ethan was stalking Saskia. I didn't catch the stalking part on my camera, but I did get the leap and the capture.

The tundra yields not only salmonberries, but also wild blackberries. Yep, you read that right. These are tundra blackberries, not blueberries.

These are tundra blueberries.

This is the lichen considered a delicacy by the caribou roaming about.

I think we came during the right season, don't you?


  1. yuuummmmmmm Ethan is pretty good at stalking. :)

  2. I agree! The pictures of Ethan and Saskia are my absolute favorites!!!!! They are really funny!
