Sunday, July 5, 2015

Out on the Town

Naknek is just full of tourist traps. They're around every corner.

#1: The dump. The true attraction of the dump is its raven population. You can hear them croaking from every direction.

#2: The post office. Getting mail is always a thrill.

#3: The Naknek Trading Post. (Prices don't really look much different than at the other store...)

#4: The general store.

These are the real deal--Alaskan Xtratufs.

This reminded me of Dad. If things were different, I would've gotten him a DoohicKey.

#5: The river. The air smells like salmon and salt as soon as you step outside. 

 #6: The Net. This is a hangout spot run by one of the churches--free coffee, tea, cookies, and wifi for whoever comes. This time of year it's well-populated by fishermen coming in from their boats.

Yep. New York has nothing on this place.


  1. wow I wish I could visit Alaska!

    1. I wish you could be here, too. I miss you Owens. It's not really any better than our own little Nanticoke. It's just new and different. :)
