Friday, August 22, 2014

Au Revoir

Well, here I am.

All caught up. The old photographs have been safely stashed away on balmfortheblack with a sadly sparse smattering of words (alliteration gets me every time...I know I shouldn't cave, but sometimes the temptation is simply too overwhelming...the same goes for using ellipses...).

And now, my dear readers, I must say farewell for now.

If you decide to go all rabble rouser on me at some point in the future and demand another post, I'll likely oblige. But for now, we must part. The practical side of life demands that I pay attention to it: lesson planning, room arranging, grad class going.

But it was an awfully fun streak while it lasted.

I'll still post, but more intermittently.

Until then, know that I will be doing my very best to live fully, to maintain peace of heart, to seek the face of Christ. And to do other more lighthearted things, too. And I'll also be making mistakes semi-regularly, because that simply can't be helped. Thankfully, though, ours is a life of grace, a life of trying again, a life of looking up to where the hope comes from.

I wish you all well, so very well!


  1. Watch out! Well meant words mean nothing when blogs are involved... :)

  2. Alas, I'm learning that lesson... It's strange, but this month I just haven't been able to stop myself. I probably should force myself not to post unless I have something worthwhile to say. Perhaps that should be the next goal. :)
